Markin Equity Hedge Strategies
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Investment Objective
Our equity hedge strategies seek 60/40-like returns or better with a beta cut and less exposure to large equity down cycles. Total return consists of capital appreciation and yield. Strategies are offered with tax efficient implementations.
A Systematic Approach to 60/40 Return with Alpha
The strategies take active long and short positions across a diverse portfolio of global equities, fixed income, currencies, and precious metals instruments with the potential to invest in approx. 100 markets. The strategies also employ options-based risk hedging that seeks to profit during times of market stress.
The strategies seek reliable risk and return characteristics across market cycles. This is operationalized by systematically integrating timely macro, fundamental and technical views into unbiased, wholistic portfolio views.
Investment Approach
Markin hedge strategies are built around the empirical observation that equity return potential and risks evolve, often rapidly, and investors can generate equity-like returns or better over the long-term with less risk of loss by systematically evolving portfolio exposures in a rigorous, systematic manner.
The strategies invest actively and employ shorting, leverage, and options hedges which we believe allows us to reduce downside risk, fully operationalize our active views, and has the potential to provide more attractive returns over the long-term.
Reasons to Invest
Opportunity to Outperform with Less Beta
The fund has historically outperformed in up trending markets with less beta by deploying leverage to lower beta opportunities and achieving better return-per-unit-of-risk.
Opportunity to Outperform in Bear Markets
The fund has historically outperformed in large down equity cycles by offsetting downside equity risk with negatively correlated exposures, a pre-defined risk-reduction process, and continuous monitoring of macro fundamentals and risks.
Diversified Alpha Playbook
Utilizing a diversified alpha playbook, the fund has historically cut portfolio concentration by more than 67% vs. the median hedge fund. We believe this adds protection value for investors.
Benefits for High Net Worth Investors
Liquidity and tax efficiency are important to HNW investors. The fund offers unpenalized monthly liquidity and redemptions and a low min. investment. Utilizing proprietary tax-aware trading, the fund has also consistently delivered less taxable gains exposure relative to other active funds.
* The materials contained on this website do not constitute investment advice or research and should not be viewed as a current or past recommendation or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy. Past profitability is not indicative of future results.